Seymour Duncan Violin SoundSpot

種類 D-TAR系列


Violin  20100615185358
Pickup VIOLIN SoundSpot


One pickup disc under each bridge foot, plus one in the bridge’s “heart” cutoutThese pickups are wedged into place rather than glued or taped. Because the discs under the bridge’s feet will raise the bridge by .5mm, the original string action will have to be restored by reducing the bridge’s height by a corresponding amount. Note also that the cords from the pickup discs must not touch the strings; otherwise, they may bump the strings or bridge, creating a rattling noise.
Jack An RCA jack is included. It’s intended to be stuck onto the tailpiece with a self-adhesive dual-lock hook-and-loop strip.
Usage Tips Most amps will work well with the VIOLIN SoundSpot, including those designed for guitar, keyboard, and P.A. applications. For recording work, a preamp provides extra control over the sound. For P.A. and recording applications, a high-quality direct box such as as the D-TAR Solstice or Equinox is suggested.
Pickup Under
Bridge’s Foot
20100615185418Output Jack Pickup Under Bridge’s Foot

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