Moog 500 Series Ladder Filter

種類 效果器

500 系列(500 Series)  是一種「模組化架式錄音器材(Modular Rack Recording Units)」的專業工業標準。

500 系列階梯式Filter (500 series ladder filter)


500 系列 Ladder Filter  可溫暖聲音,除掉曲子尖銳頻率,也能為暗淡曲子 注入活力。

The Ladder Filter 以讓人振奮的方式雕塑音色。

注意:500 系列效果器要裝在專業Lunch Box  中使用



500 series 階梯Filter 根據Bob Moog 原始設計製造。這神奇的聲音雕塑工具,可做出有創意的音色處理。提供最順的類比Low Pass 和High Pass 濾波功能 。 調整Cutoff 可為聲音加上律動或微調聲音。選LP 低通濾波可為聲音加上類比律動和溫暖音色。選HP 高通濾波可讓聲音甜美或移除多餘的低頻。

Ladder Filter 的封包(Envelop) 控制提供很多有用功能:

調整Attack 和Release 鈕控制Filter 開啟和關閉時間, 能做快速反應或緩慢變化。Amount 鈕調整可輕微刺激聲音或做極端聲音壓縮效果。負的Amount 值可做濾波反向運作。Resonance 搭配Ladder 的其他功能可做甜美, 動態甚至像說話的效果.。常用來加強或減弱某段頻率, 也可創造全新狂野音色。2 Pole/ 4 Pole 切換濾波個性,2 Pole  時聽起來較順,每個8 度降12 dB。4 Pole 時聽起來比較硬, 每8 度降24 dB。有  True Bypass, 兩台Ladde Filter 還能做立體聲連結。



Audio I/O: Balanced line level via 500 rack. +19dBµto -16dBµinput accepted.
Filter Type: 2 and 4 pole dynamic low-pass & high-pass transistor Ladder Filter
Envelope Type: RMS detector, bi-polar with variable attack & release
Attack time:    Better than 250µS to 2.0 seconds depending on program material and level.
Release time: Better than 150mS to 2.0S depending on program material and level.
Envelope Control: Positive and Negative Modulation
Input Impedance: Nominally 24KΩbalanced differential, 12KΩ unbalanced single ended.
Output Impedance: Nominally 50Ω  differential 25Ω single ended.
Max. Output Level: Better than +22dBµ, balanced.
Drive Gain: 36dB Range of control
Output Gain: 36dB Range of control
Frequency Response: Better than +/-0.5dB 20Hz – 20KHz pass band.  Better than +/- 1.5dB 5Hz – 24KHz pass band.
Bypass: Hard Relay True Bypass
Power Consumption: Less than 105mA +16V, less than 75mA -16V.

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